Jainism (pronounced /ˈdʒaɪnɪzəm/, also called Jain Dharma') is an ancient dharmic religion from India that prescribes a path of non-violence for all forms of living beings in this world. Its philosophy and practice relies mainly on self-effort in progressing the soul on the spiritual ladder to divine consciousness.
Jainism is often referred to asJain Dharma (जैन धर्म) or Shraman Dharma or the religion of Nirgantha by ancient texts.
Jainism is divided into Digambaras and Swetambaras.
It is generally accepted that Jainism started spreading in south India from the third century BCE. i.e. since the time when Badrabahu, a preacher of this religion and the head of the monks' community, came to Karnataka from Bihar. Kalinga (modern Orissa and Osiaji) was home to many Jains in the past.
耆那教(Jainism),是起源於古印度的古老宗教之一,有其獨立的信仰和哲學。始創人為笩駄摩那(Vardhamana (梵語: वर्धमान)),前599年—前527年),他早於佛教的始創人釋迦牟尼出生,耆那教的中心教義主要由他建立。
Jainism regards every living soul as potentially divine. When the soul sheds its karmic bonds completely, it attains divine consciousness.
耆那教尊奉尊者大雄(Mahavira), 笩駄摩那為第24代祖師(Tirthankar),也是最後一位祖師。根據耆那哲學所述,所有的祖師都是人類, 通過禪定訓練和自我實現達到了完美或覺悟的狀態—— 耆那的神。
Jainism 24 enlightened ascetics tirthankaras[1] with Parshva (9th century BCE) and Mahavira (6th century BCE).
Jinas are spiritually advanced human beings who rediscover the dharma, become fully liberated and teach the spiritual path to benefit all living beings.
Jains follow the teachings of 24 special jinas. 24thTirthankar and most recent, is Shri Mahavir, lived from 599 to 527 BC. The 23rd Tirthankar, Shri Parsva, lived from 872 to 772 BC
大雄將他的信徒歸為4類,即男修士(Sadhu),女修士(Sadhvi),男在家眾(Shravak)和女在家眾(Shravika)。這個順序就叫做Jain Sangh。
There are two categories of ascetics, Sadhu (monk) and Sadhvi (nun). They practice the five Mahavratas, three Guptis and five Samitis:
Five Mahavratas
- Ahimsa: Non-violence in thought, word and deed
- Satya: Truth which is (hita) beneficial, (mita) succinct and (priya) pleasing
- Acaurya: Not accepting anything that has not been given to them by the owner
- Brahmacarya: Absolute purity of mind and body
- Aparigraha: Non-attachment to non-self objects
Three Guptis
- Managupti: Control of the mind
- Vacanagupti: Control of speech
- Kayagupti: Control of body
Five Samitis
- Irya Samiti: Carefulness while walking
- Bhasha Samiti: Carefulness while communicating
- Eshana Samiti: Carefulness while eating
- Adana Nikshepana Samiti: Carefulness while handling their fly-whisks, water gourds, etc.
- Pratishthapana Samiti: Carefulness while disposing of bodily waste matter
- Non-violence (Ahimsa) - to cause no harm to living beings.
- Truth (Satya) - to always speak the truth in a harmless manner.
- Non-stealing (Asteya) - to not take anything that is not willingly given.
- Celibacy (Brahmacarya) - to not indulge in sensual pleasures.
- Non-possession (Aparigraha) - to detach from people, places, and material things.
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